
Quotes from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (The Broken American Male)

I recently received Rabbi Boteach's book The Broken American Male And How To Fix Him. Here are some good quotes I've read so far. I highly recommend this book for every man out there!

Men today are angry because, as psychologist Warren Farrell points out, they are not allowed to be human beings but instead are conditioned to be human doings. pg. 4

I could no longer appreciate myself because I had bought the great American lie that life is about the endless pursuit of wealth. If I didn't have the cash, then I hadn't lived. I could not take pride in my achievements because they were too modest. pg. 7

Amid the many challenges facing the American family today, soulless capitalism, along with its destructive effect on men and women, is the biggest problem of all. pg. 10

Does a country with a 50-percent divorce rate deserve to call itself civilized? pg. 11

It is not normal for a man to come home after a long day's work at the office and feel more comfortable watching TV than talking to his kids. pg. 12

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Adversus Trinitas

"...unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins." (John 8:24 ESV)