Debates and Presentations


Oneness and Trinity 
James Anderson and Thomas Thrasher

Full Debate

Pre-Existent Christology Debate:

James Anderson and Michael Burgos debate pre-existent Christology. Burgos affirms and Anderson denies the proposition : "The Son personally preexisted the incarnation with the Father." 


Defenders of the Faith 2011

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This is the Eighth Congress of Apostolic Doctrine for Defenders of the Faith hosted by G. Jorge Medina. At this conference J.N. Anderson discusses "Three Persons In The Baptism of Jesus?" ~ Here he responds to the idea that in the baptism of Jesus revealed a plurality of divine persons, and demonstrates the oneness of God. In this same DVD set he discusses "Revelation for Atheists" ~ Here Anderson responds to some of the popular challenges of Atheism.

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Adversus Trinitas

"...unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins." (John 8:24 ESV)